This article will detail how to set up and utilise the REI Forms Live / Realworks integration.
The integration will then allow any prescribed forms to be created & saved within the system so all of your documents are in one location.
Step by step
Integration set-up process
Before you can start creating forms from within VaultRE, you must link up your VaultRE account with your existing REI Forms Live account. This is a “one time only” step.
1. Navigate to My Integrations > REI Forms Live (Realworks/Forms Live in QLD)
If this step has already been completed (i.e. your VaultRE account and REI Forms Live account are already linked) you can go straight to creating a form.
2. On the following screen, click Connect. You will be taken to a secure REI Forms Live login page
3. Enter your REI Forms Live credentials on this screen (this screenshot may look different depending on your state)
Your REI Forms Live credentials are never seen or stored by VaultRE
After you successfully authenticate with REI Forms Live, you’ll be asked if you wish to grant access to VaultRE. Click Yes and you will be redirected back to Vault
If the connection was successful, you should see a result like the below screen, either Go To Forms Live or Go To REI Forms Live
Your VaultRE and REI Forms Live accounts are now linked, allowing you to create forms directly from VaultRE. This connection will remain until manually disconnected on either the VaultRE or REI Forms Live side.
If desired, you can click Go To REI Forms Live to be seamlessly logged in to REI Forms Live from VaultRE.
Creating REI Forms / Realworks Forms
Before you can create forms in VaultRE you need to ensure you have setup the integration as per the steps outlined above.
1. Navigate to the Property > Other > REI Forms Live or Forms Live
The REI Forms Live / Forms Live page in VaultRE shows you all the previous forms created for this management (or sale), and allows you to create a new form.
2. To Create New Form, start typing the name of a template in the search box
3. Select the template you wish to use
Note your own defined “User Templates” in REI Forms Live appear in this search as well
Once you’ve selected your template, VaultRE will ask you to define a name for the form (pre-populated with the property address)
4. Create Form to merge your VaultRE data to the form
5. Then Close or Open Form to immediately access the form in REI Forms Live / Forms Live
The form now appears in VaultRE as an Existing Form
Only forms created in VaultRE will appear in here
6. You now have the ability to View, Update, Download or Delete the form from within VaultRE
And we can now edit the form (filling in any fields that weren’t able to merge across)
7. Once you’ve completed the form you can click Finalise within REI Forms Live / Forms Live
Finalising the form will automatically update the corresponding record in VaultRE as Finalised and you are unable to Update
Additionally, finalising the form downloads a PDF copy and saves it automatically to your Filing Cabinet in VaultRE allowing you to share/send as needed.