As part of the Pipeline module, we provide the ability to apply pipeline details against both a Prospect/Not Currently Listed or Appraisal property. Below is a guideline on how to best manage and apply pipeline details against a property from within the web and MRI Vault app.
How to add pipeline details
All appraisals will be listed in the Pipeline as Unassessed. However, Prospects will only populate if either the Temperature or Expected Sale date field is selected.
Option 1 - Appraisal Wizard & Add Property
1. Navigate to Properties > Appraisal Wizard or Add Property
2. Upon adding the prospect or appraisal, we have the below option to add pipeline details
If entering a lease, we have the below option to add pipeline details
Option 2 - Adding to existing property
1. Navigate into an existing prospect or appraisal
2. Once in the property, we can apply the pipeline details as shown below:
If on a lease, we can apply the pipeline details as shown below:
Option 3 - Adding property within the MRI Vault App & existing prospect/appraisals
1. Once logged into the MRI Vault app tap into Properties > + Symbol (Top right-hand corner) > Once in Agent Price Opinion we have the ability to apply the pipeline details
If entering a lease, we have the below option to add pipeline details
2. We can also apply and manage pipelines for existing properties by tapping into the property > tap Pipeline
If on a lease, we can apply the pipeline details as shown below: