The Calendar Report can be used to view specific or all calendar events added over a date range. We also provide the ability to refine this data by various fields attached to a calendar event.
Step by step
- Go to Reports > Calendar Report
- Next, specify a date range to report on and select your desired criteria to refine your search
- Hit Generate Report to view your results.
Additional information
Search Criteria Breakdown
Date Range - Use this to refine your event date range (no more than 90 days in a date span)
Offices - if you are part of a multi-office account, here we can select the office to report on
Assignees - Select the user that the event has been assigned to
Added By - Select the user that had added the event
Include Event Types - Here we can search for events, appraisals, scheduled viewing or a custom event
Custom event types can be created via the settings menu then Setup Event Types
Include Event Status - Search for an event by the status of Accompanied, Cancelled, Confirmed, Deleted, Unaccompanied or Unconfirmed
Attached Contact - Refine the search by a single specific contact
Attached Property - Refine the search by a single specific property address
Sale and/or Lease Properties - Select your preferred data set or combine for a full overview
Additional Functions
Print Calendar Report / View Individual Events
After generating the report you have the option to print the calendar report or open and view an individual event:
Creating Event Types
System admin users have the ability to create custom event types for the office to use within their calendars. Below is a step-by-step guide on how to set up a new event type.
Go to settings > Setup Event Types
Click Add New Event Type
Name your event type and select a suitable icon from the dropdown. You can browse or use the search box to find an icon
Once added, click Save
These events can now be used wherever the calendar is available and can be reported on in the Calendar Report
For existing event types, we provide the option to apply a SMS/TXT reminder. This includes the ability to set the timing and apply the desired email template against the relevant party.