For projects that are "off the plan", an agent's commission is often taken at two stages. Once at the beginning. Once upon completion.
Note: There is no limit to the number of stages (commission payouts) as part of a project.
Step by step
- At the conditional stage, we enter details as per normal (representing 1st stage of deposit/commission):
- Next we receipt deposit monies etc into the trust:
- In the "History" tab you'll see the following:
- When the property is at unconditional status, you can then utilise the
Split Settlement (Part Commission Paid Out) button. - Click this button confirm you would like to initiate the split of commission payments, and yes Yes/Continue to proceed.
The transaction (original life) is effectively being "settled" (ensuring commission details are reported for franchise group's EOM systems)
Unlike Settlement, there is no need to ensure the trust ledger is 0 ; nor the advertising ledger is 0 ; nor the advertising invoices are fully paid. Outstanding items are transferred to the new "life" of the property. - You'll then see the following process success message
- After clicking "Proceed to Property", everything will look normal (the property is still at unconditional - awaiting Stage 2 of settlement). However, in the background a new "life" is active.
- Let's now jump back into the history tab so see the results
Note: Remembering there was a deposit (stage 1 life) ; this has been automatically transferred to the "stage 2" life: - Now you can "Modify Sale Details" and enter new details for Stage 2 - commission payable and revised settlement date. This leaves the original (stage 1 commission payout intact):
The Activity Report will intentionally exclude "settled" lives as part of a Stage 1 / Stage 2 project sale. This report will only use the "settlement" defined @ Stage 2
Commission based reports (eg Cashflow Forecast) will correctly consider the commission earnt @ Stage 1, Stage 2, etc