In Vault there is the ability to bulk import Properties and their owners. Your file must be in a CSV (Comma Separated Value) format. If your data is in Excel (or something similar), you will find an option to save it as “CSV” when saving the file.
Step by step
1. Click on Properties > Import
2. Your file will need to be in a CSV (Comma Separated Value) format. If your data is in Excel (or similar), you will find an option to save it as “CSV” when saving the file
3. Please ensure that the first ROW in your file includes the HEADER names
Click here for a list of Data Fields available to import within Vault.
To import properties, your spreadsheet MUST contain the following populated columns:
Status (not listed, appraisal)
Type (Is sale for lease)
Classification (Residential / Commercial / Business / Land / Rural)
4. Once you have your CSV file ready, you can use the “choose file” to upload your CSV file
5. You can then select which user will have access to the properties (you can choose Everyone) & also the Marketing Contacts 1 & 2 if applicable
6. You can also select if you would like the import to conduct a duplicate check
Ticking these boxes will ignore duplicate record lines entirely. Instead, we recommend managing duplicate data using the tools provided within Vault post-import.
7. Click Next
If you have not uploaded the correct file or if one of your headers is incorrect you will see the below error message. Here you will need to ensure that you fix the file before reimporting.
8. Match the fields from your header row to the fields they belong to in Vault. For example: first name (in your CSV file) matches to First Name (in Vault), last name (in your CSV file) matches to Last Name (in Vault) etc
You can choose to ignore a field if you do not want to import this data column.
It's very important to differentiate in the drop-down client's contact address vs the property you are trying to import into your database. Properties to be imported must be allocated fields in the below area
9. Once you have matched your fields, click on Import Now
You will then be taken to a confirmation screen advising that your import has been scheduled for processing. After the import has been processed your properties & contacts will be available to view in Vault.
You will also receive an email advising that your import has been successful 🎉
Once imported, you do have the option to delete/reverse the import within a 48hr period. This can be done via the import tool and clicking on Delete next to the desired import.
List of Available data headings for import
Contact |
Contact Type (Person/Company/Creditor/Custom) |
External ID |
Title |
First Name |
Last Name |
Greeting |
Envelope Greeting |
Company |
Position |
Partner Title |
Partner First Name |
Partner Last Name |
Source |
------------------- Residency/Postal ------------------- |
Unit |
Street Number |
Street Name |
Street Number and Name |
Suburb/Town |
State |
Postal Unit |
Postal Street Number |
Postal Street Name |
Postal Street Number and Name |
Postal Suburb/Town |
Postal State |
------------------- Contact Marketing ------------------- |
Unsubscribed from Emails |
Unsubscribed from SMS |
Unsubscribed from Letters |
Do Not Call |
Telephone |
Work Telephone |
Mobile |
Facsimile |
Categories (comma-separated) |
Notes |
------------------- Property (attached to this contact) ------------------- |
Unit |
Street Number |
Street Number/Name |
Street Name |
Suburb |
State |
PostCode |
Property: Is Sale or Lease |
Property: Classification (Residential/Commercial/Business/Land/Rural) |
Property: Status (Not Listed /Appraisal) |
Bedrooms |
Bathrooms |
Garages |
Carports |
Heading |
Description |
Reference ID |
Floor/Building Area (sqm) |
Land Area |
Land Area Units |
------------------- Requirements (Buy/Lease/Rent) ------------------- |
Requirement Classification |
Requirement Sale/Lease |
Requirement Min Price |
Requirement Max Price |
Requirement Min Bedrooms |
Requirement Min Bathrooms |
Requirement Min Car Spaces |
Requirement Min Land Area |
Requirement Max Land Area |
Requirement Land Area Type |
Requirement Min Floor Area SQM |
Requirement Max Floor Area SQM |
Requirement Suburbs |
Requirement Property Types |