Once you have set up your advertising invoice configuration and created all your advertising expenses, you are ready to start applying these expenses to your property advertising ledgers and generate advertising invoices.
In order to start using the advertising module, you will need to ensure that you have set your invoice settings and set up all your advertising expenses as shown in the Advertising - Setup/Configuration for invoices and expenses knowledge article.
- Video Tutorial
- How to add an expense into the advertising ledger for a property
- How to produce an invoice after expenses have been added to the ledger
- Take me through LIVE
Advertising expenses & invoice FAQ
- If I add further expenses after an invoice has been generated, how can I add these to the existing invoice?
- How can I get the Agreed Marketing Spend (VPA) populated in the advertising ledger/invoice?
- Am I able to remove an advertising expense once it has been generated in an invoice?
- If I unlink all transactions from an invoice, will it remove/delete the invoice?
- If I remove/delete an invoice, can I use the same invoice number if I generate a new invoice?
- The invoice is missing our logo, populating the incorrect office details or does not have the correct footer, how can this be updated?
Step by step
How to add an expense into the advertising ledger for a property
1. Navigate into the desired property > Financials > Advertising tab
2. You can then start adding expenses by clicking on Add Expense (Debit) in the bottom right-hand corner
3. Once in the add screen, you are then able to populate the below details for the expense:
- Date: - The date you would like to apply against the expense added
- RefID: - This is optional and can be used should you have an internal reference for the expense
- Expense: - Here you can select the existing supplier and expense type you would like to add
- Total Amount: - This will automatically populate based on what is set on the expense, however, you can manually change this amount if required
- Less Company Contribution: - If the company is paying for all or part of the advertising expense, you can add in the company contribution amount
- Notes: - General notes, which will be added to the advertising invoice
- Requested By: - The user(s) requesting the expense, which will populate on advertising reporting
4. Once you have added all Advertising Debit/Expense details, you can click Save to add the transaction to the advertising ledger
5. This will add the expense into the advertising ledger, where you are able to repeat the above steps to add further expenses. If you need to update any expense details, we provide the option to click on Edit on the right-hand side of the transaction
How to produce an invoice after expenses have been added to the ledger
Once you have added all required expenses into the property's advertising ledger, as shown above, you are then able to produce the invoice. This can be done by following the below steps:
1. Navigate into the desired property advertising ledger
2. Once the expenses has been added into the ledger, you are then able to click on Generate/Update Invoice in the bottom right-hand corner
3. This will then open the Generate/Update Invoice screen, where you are then able to populate the below details for the invoice:
- Assign: - If you have already created an existing invoice, you can assign further advertising expenses against the selected existing invoice. Otherwise, the system will assign a new invoice if no prior advertising invoices have been created for the property
- Footer - If you have multiple footers set up, you can select the desired footer for the invoice
- Recipient: - This will populate all owners attached to the property. If multiple owners are attached, you are able to select the owner that you would like to address the invoice to
- Include: - This will populate all unallocated advertising expenses, where you are able to tick the expenses you would like to include in the invoice
4. Once you have set the above details you can click on Create Invoice to generate the advertising invoice
5. This will then automatically populate in the Invoices section below the ledger and allow you to Print, Remove Invoice (Delete) or Email Invoice
Additional information
Advertising expenses & invoice FAQ
If I add further expenses after an invoice has been generated, how can I add these to the existing invoice?
Once the expenses have been added to the ledger, you can simply click on the Generate/Update Invoice. You are then able to select the existing invoice number from the Assign drop-down, tick the expenses you would like to include and click on Update Invoice.
How can I get the Agreed Marketing Spend (VPA) populated in the advertising ledger/invoice?
This can be done from the General tab of the property card. Once here, you can populate the Agreed Marketing Spend (VPA) within the Contract Details section. This will not only populate within the property's advertising leger but also within the sales trust.
Am I able to remove an advertising expense once it has been generated in an invoice?
Yes, we provide the option to unlink an advertising expense from an existing invoice. This can be done by clicking on the Unlink button next to the advertising expense. Once unlinked, you are then able to edit/remove the advertising expense and/or include the expense in a new or existing invoice.
If I unlink all transactions from an invoice, will it remove/delete the invoice?
No, The invoice will still remain, however, will not have any linked expenses. If the invoice is no longer required, you are able to remove/delete the invoice as shown below.
If I remove/delete an invoice, can I use the same invoice number if I generate a new invoice?
No, the system will automatically generate the invoice number each time a new invoice is created. If an invoice has been removed/deleted, you will no longer be able to use the same invoice number.
The invoice is missing our logo, populating the incorrect office details or does not have the correct footer, how can this be updated?
This can be done within Financials > Setup/Configuration - For more information on how to configure these settings, please refer to the below knowledge article: