Once you have received payment for advertising on a property from the Vendor, Agent or Company, you are able to add a payment (credit) into the advertising ledger to generate on an invoice.
Step by step
1. Navigate into the desired property > Financials > Advertising tab
2. Click on Add Payment (Credit)
3. Once in the add screen, you are then able to populate the below details for the credit/payment:
- Date: - The date you would like to apply against the credit/payment added
- RefID: - This is optional and can be used should you have an internal reference for the credit/payment
- Type: - We provide the option to add a payment/credit as a Vendor, Agent or Company contribution, depending on who is paying for the advertising
- Total amount: - Here you can define the amount of the credit/payment
- Invoice # - If you have already created an existing invoice, you can assign the credit/payment against the selected existing invoice. Otherwise, the system will add the credit/payment to the ledger, where you will be able to include in a future invoice
- Notes: - General notes, which will be added to the advertising invoice
4. Once you have added all advertising credit/payment details, you can click Save to add the transaction
5. This will then add the credit/payment into the advertising ledger and will populate on the invoice # selected should you link the credit/payment to an existing invoice
6. If linked to an invoice, you are then able to Print or Email Invoice from within the Invoices section
If you have created a credit/payment without linking it to an existing invoice and would like to include the credit/payment within a future invoice, this can be done when generating an invoice as shown in the Advertising - Application of Advertising Expenses & Generating Invoices knowledge article.
Additional information
We provide the option to unlink a credit/payment from an existing invoice. This can be done by clicking on the Unlink button next to the contribution. Once unlinked, you are then able to edit/remove the credit/payment and/or include the credit/payment in a new or existing invoice.
If you select the credit/payment Type as an Agent Contribution, this will allow you to select the team or agent that is contributing to the property advertising. Once added, this will filter to the Agent Advertising Ledger (Advertising > Agent Advertising) against the selected team/agent. More information on Agent Advertising can be found in the Agent Advertising knowledge article.