An essential functionality of Vault is its automation, where there is the ability to automate certain processes in the system. You can set up triggers to make sure that certain tasks, which are in accordance with your office policies, can be taken care of automatically by Vault. These triggers can be set up on both an office or individual agent/user level.
To set up Office Triggers, you will need to have system admin access. More information can be found in the User Management Settings knowledge article.
Step by step
1. Go into Settings/My Settings > Automation > Triggers
2. If you are a system administrator, select the tab for the type of trigger you would like to set
- Office Trigger (Applies on a database level) or
- My Triggers (Applies to your user's data where you are the Marketing Contact #1)
2. Click on Add New Trigger in the bottom right-hand corner
3. This will then open the Add/Edit Trigger Screen, where you can start building your desired trigger
4. Here you can select the Type (Event or Date based), which will determine the corresponding setting fields
5. Once selected, you are then able to set the desired event trigger, the action, and any further specific settings required based on the trigger selected
6. You are then able to tick/untick the Live: tickbox to enable/disable the trigger and then click Save
TIP: To further automate your processes, try pairing triggers together either simultaneously or in tandem.
Additional information
If using a Date Based trigger and selecting on Date/Pipeline/Anniversary (Contact or property based), we provide the option to add further custom contact or property dates. More information on how to set up dates can be found via the below knowledge article link:
Setup Date Fields
Should you like to set an automatic action to send an email, Designly template, SMS, or attach an action list, these will be required to be set up prior. More information on how to set up these templates can be found via the below knowledge article links:
eMarketing (Set Up Email Responses)
eMarketing (Set Up SMS | TXT Responses)
Creating and Assigning Action List
If you select a date based trigger you will also have the ability to select the delivery time of the trigger.
- Morning = 9am local time
- Afternoon = 1pm local time
Within My Triggers, we can filter by users that you have PA access to. We also provide the ability to setup a trigger on behalf of a user you have PA access to when selecting the Scope of the trigger.