The use of categories is one of the most important concepts in any Customer Relationship Database. As an example, you may have a selection of people with specific interests, so it is good practice to qualify these people into categories such as:
- "Hot Buyers"
- "Cold Buyers"
- "Monthly Newsletter"
Categorising your contacts then allows you to target your marketing and produce accurate contact reports. We also allow you to categorise properties, which are generally used to group projects together. Below is a step-by-step on how to create category groups and a new contact/property category.
- Setting up category group
- Setting up categories
- Editing, deleting & reassigning categories
- Take me through LIVE
Step by step
Setting up category group
1. Go to Settings > Categories
2. Depending on the group you would like to create, click on the Contact Category Groups tab or the Property Catagory Groups tab
3. Click Add Category Group
4. This will then populate the Add/Edit Category Group screen, where you are able to add the name of the group and which contact types it applies to
5. Click Save once you have added the above details
6. You can edit or remove an existing category group via the Edit button on the right-hand side
Setting up categories
1. Go to Settings > Categories
2. Depending on the type of category you would like to create, click on the Contact Categories tab or the Property Categories (Projects) tab
3. Click Add New Category
4. This will then populate the Add/Edit Category screen, where you can add the category name, category group, and visibility settings (For property categories, you will only require a name)
If you select a team as the Visibility, you will have the option to tick to allow anyone within the assigned team to edit the category.
5. Click Save once you have added the above details
Editing, deleting & reassigning categories
You can edit an existing category's name or access settings via the Edit button on the right-hand side
- You can delete an existing category via the remove button on the right-hand side
- Removing a category will allow you to optionally reassign contacts within the category to another.
Once removed, This cannot be undone.