For each property and contact, we provide a set of default fields to store contact/property data. However if there is specific data you would like to record against a contact/property, we provide the ability to create custom fields. Below is a step-by-step guide on this process.
In order to set up custom database fields, you will need to have system admin access. More information can be found in the User Management Settings knowledge article.
Step by step
1. Navigate to Settings > Database Fields
2. Before creating our custom database fields, we can first setup both the contact or property field groups by clicking on the below tabs > Click Add Field Group (This will ensure that we can categorise our custom contact/property fields)
3. We are then able to add the field group name, assign the position on the contact/property card and apply what types of contacts the field group is available on. Once completed, click Save to add the field group
4. Once you have added the field group, we are then able to add custom contact/property fields and assign them to a created field group. This can be done by clicking into the Contact Fields or Property Fields tabs > Click Add New Database Field
5. We are then able to add the field name, field type, assign it to an existing field group, select the placement and set a name for the merge field.
Available Field Types:
- Date [DD/MM/YYY]
- Date [DD/MM]
- Checkbox [True/False]
- Numeric [floating point number]
- Short Text [100 character limit]
- Text [many paragraphs]
- Drop-down Selection [30 options]
6. Once completed, you can click on Save to add the custom database field. You will then have the option to capture data for the custom field via the contact or property card and use the assigned merge field.
Additional information
We also provide the option to view/add against custom property fields via the Vault mobile app. More information on the Vault app can be found via Mobile App & Integrations.
Custom database fields can also be used within contact and property searches via the Filter Contacts and Properties tools. More information on these tools can be found via the Filter Contacts & Filter Properties knowledge articles.