Change a password, activate 2-Factor Authentication, and add a signature as an individual user
Step by step
1. Go into Settings/My Settings > My Settings
My Settings tab
Here you can set the lock/unlocked settings of the menu and navigation bar (Universal search bar). You also have the option to set the default calendar view (Day, Week, Month, or List), including the option to set the default calendar colour coding. More information on the calendar can be found in the Managing Your Calendar knowledge article. The final option for the default contact user allows you to override the default marketing and read/edit access, assigning these permissions to another user within the office when adding a contact. This feature enables you to select a user you have PA access to.
My Password tab
Here you can reset your current password, including the ability to set up 2FA (Two Factor Authentication) for your account.
My Signature tab
Here you can create a digital signature that can be populated within your letter and email templates within Vault.
It may be easier to create your signature on a tablet or mobile device, which can be done within the Vault mobile application following the below steps:
1. log in to the Vault application on your tablet or mobile device
2. Tap on your profile in the top right-hand corner > tap Edit Profile
4. From here you can then Tap Here to update signature
5. Once added, tap on Save to update your digital signature
My Alert Subscriptions tab
Here you can subscribe to alerts across Sales, Lease, and Admin. Once subscribed, you will be notified of these events via the messageboard (Outlined below) and the vault mobile application.
To subscribe to Admin alerts, the user will require System Admin access. More information on access settings can be found via the User Management Settings knowledge article.