This report will show all changes made in the system within the defined date range. This is a fantastic report to monitor all updates/changes made to contacts and properties by specific user(s).
In order to access this function, you will need to ensure that you have Reports access ticked in your user management settings. More information can be found via the User Management Settings knowledge article.
Step by step
1. Go into Reports > Changes Report
2. Select the desired date range and who you would like to produce the report on - Everyone, A specific team or user(s)
This report can only be produced with a date span of no more than 30 days.
3. Once you have defined your desired criteria click View
4. This will then populate all data based on the criteria selected, including the date, time and log of changes/updates to the contact/property
The above report will provide activity across all contact/properties. If you would like to view activity for a specific contact or property, more information on this process can be found via the Contact Record: Activity and Property Record: Activity knowledge articles.