The filing cabinet is an electronic cabinet that allows you to store any relevant documentation in relation to the property. These documents can be manually uploaded against the property or in other cases, you have the option to save system-generated documents/letters into the filing cabinet.
Step by step
1. Navigate into the example property and click on the Filing Cabinet tab
2. To add a file into the filing cabinet, you can simply drag and drop the document or click into the cloud to upload
3. This will then upload the document into the filing cabinet and appear below within the files section
The system will automatically upload the document into the Default Folder from within the filing cabinet. However, you can select the folder prior to uploading the document, depending on where you would like to upload the file to.
4. Once uploaded, you have the option to view, edit, download, or send as email. This can be done by clicking on the document and selecting the desired option.
Should you forget to upload a document into the filing cabinet before settling or withdrawing a property, we have the option to upload a file into a prior lifecycle. This can be done by selecting a previous lifecycle before uploading the file.
Additional information
Once the document has been uploaded, you can update the attachment/document settings by clicking on the spanner symbol in the bottom right-hand corner. This will then allow you to update the below settings:
- Name: - Here you can edit the name of the attachment/document
- Contract: - If the document is marked as the contract, in the VaultRE mobile app, open home attendees that are sent this file will be automatically marked as 'Contract Sent'
- Share With: - Here you can select the view settings to everyone in the office, specific users, or teams. More Information on how to create and/or edit teams can be found in the Configure Teams Knowledge article
- Visible in: - Here you can tick the document folders that you would like this document to reside in. More information on how to create and/or edit folders can be found via the Setup Folder Knowledge Article
Once the file has been uploaded into the filing cabinet of a listing, you can choose to include this file within the Electronic Table. More information on the Electronic Table can be found via the Property - Listing: Electronic Table Knowledge Article.
If a property has gone through multiple lifecycles and you require access to previous documents that had been uploaded, this can be done by selecting the prior lifecycle from the top right-hand corner. More information on lifecycles can be found via the Property - Understanding Property Life Cycles Knowledge Article.