A Buyer Match is a fantastic way to be able to market a new listing to your database to all contacts who have requirements that match the listing. In the below video, we will cover the process of how to run a Buyer Match for a new listing and how to update the buyer match criteria to target your marketing.
You will need to ensure that you have set up a Buyer Match template within Designly before using this function. More information on this process can be found in the Guide to Designly Knowledge article.
- Video Tutorial
- Step by step
- Using an Email Builder Template as opposed to a Desingly template
- Take me through LIVE
Step by step
1. Navigate into a new listing property card
2. Click on the Buyer Match tab
3. Refine your Buyer Match criteria on the right-hand side > Once refined, click on Prepare Email
Requirements is automatically ticked to include contacts that have had their requirements modified in the last 12 months only. This can be updated at an account level to default as unticked but is not recommended from within Settings > Account Details.
4. This will then populate all recipients, to which you may pick and choose who you would like to send the Buyer Match to
5. Once you have selected the recipients, you may then select the Buyer Match template from the Use: dropdown > Click Proceed to Send
6. This will then populate the Buyer Match preview, where you can select the Sender and timing and add the Subject
7. Once you are happy with all settings, you may then send the Buyer Match by clicking on Next (This will send the communication)
Additional information
Should no templates be showing in the Use: template drop-down, you will need to ensure that you create a Buyer Match template in Desingly (eMarketing > Desingly). Once created, you will be able to select the template name from the drop-down.
For further information on how to create a Buyer Match template from within Desingly, please see the below webinar:
Buyer Matches - Creation & Sending
In the Buyer Match, you can create a Follow-up Report or a Distribution List of the matched clients via the below buttons.
Follow-up Report - Contains the client's name, marketing contact, contact number(s), and buy/rent requirements. We also provide the option to directly add a note against the contact via the Add Note button on the right-hand side or Print the report at the bottom of the page.
Create Distribution List - Here you can group all Buyer Matched contacts for marketing or reporting purposes. We provide the option to create a new distribution list or append an existing one. Once created, you can select this Distribution List when sending out any bulk marketing or via Filter Contacts.
If you schedule a date/time to send the Buyer Match, you can view or remove (stop from sending) the Buyer Match email by going into eMarketing > Email Communicator > View Scheduled/Pending tab.
Using an Email Builder Template as opposed to a Desingly template
1. Follow steps 1 - 4 outlined in the Step by step above
2. When in the Prepare Email screen, scroll down the bottom and you will be able to select a template (If you have more than one within your Email Builder). Once you have selected the desired template, click on Customise Email
3. You will then be taken into the Email Builder (eMarketing > Email Builder) for the template preview on the right-hand side, where you can edit and make changes if required
Depending on the template you are using will depend on what you can add/change in the template before you send it.
4. Once you have completed the desired changes, you can then save the template to send at a later time if you wish to do so
5. Otherwise, if the email is ready to be sent, you can then click on the Send Mail button
6. This will then ask you to reconfirm you wish to send the email by clicking on Continue
7. Once reconfirmed, this will then take you into the Email Communicator, with the selected Buyer Match recipients, where you can select the Sender, Timing, and add the Subject
8. Once you are happy with all settings, you may then send the Buyer Match by clicking on Next (This will send the communication)