The purpose of the Dashboard is to provide an overview and a clear snapshot of your database to support your specific role within the office. The Dashboard is a fully customisable tool that can be personalised for each user in your office. In the video below, we will cover how to customise and create multiple dashboards for your user.
Step by step
1. First, select the Dashboard you would like to configure using the drop-down in the top right hand corner
2. Select the Configure button with the spanner
3. Select from the widgets you would like to populate within your dashboard - These widgets are broken down into categories across CRM: General, CRM: Mini Widgets, Property: General, Sales Team & Property Management.
4. Once you have ticked to include your desired widgets > Click on Save/Update > Back to Dashboard
5. These widgets should then populate on your dashboard for you to modify the layout. To rearrange the placement of the widgets you can simply resize and “drag & drop” them into the desired layout
Additional information
To create multiple dashboards, this can be done by selecting the dashboard drop-down in the top right-hand corner and clicking on + Add New Dashboard. Here you can set the name of the dashboard and click on Add.
You will then have the option to switch between these dashboards by using the same drop-down in the top right-hand corner.
When configuring your dashboard widgets, we provide the option to add widgets that will populate data specific to user labelled (Me) and other widgets that will populate data across the database as a whole, labelled (Office).
Please note: The data that will populate in the (Office) widgets, will be based on what data you have access to, which is set via your user management settings.
You do have the option to reset the dashboard based on the default settings. This can be done by selecting the dashboard from the drop-down, click the Configure button with the spanner and click on Reset Defaults.
Dashboard Widget Glossary
- CRM: General Widgets
- CRM: Mini Widgets
- Property: General Widgets
- Sales Team Widgets
- Property Management Widgets
CRM: General Widgets
Widget Name |
Definition |
Recently Accessed Contacts | A Snapshot of the past 10 contacts you have viewed. This includes the contact name, when they have been viewed and the type of contact. |
Latest News |
Stay up to date with our VaultRE webinars, new function releases and general VaultRE updates. |
Super User |
If you are a muti-office user with super user access, this widget can be used to easily switch between VaultRE accounts. Should you need to setup super user access, this can be done by sending a request to support via this link. |
Recently Failed Emails | A snapshot of failed emails from the past 7 days, for both bulk or individual emails sent from VaultRE. |
Bar Graph: New Contacts Added (by month) |
A monthly breakdown of all contacts added into VaultRE over the past 6 months. |
Enquiries / Holding Area |
A snapshot of all pending property enquiries received in the last 24hrs. This also includes the last 5 enquiries received, including the client's name and the date/time the enquiry had been received. |
Monthly Video Update |
View our latest VaultRE Monthly update video. This includes all our latest VaultRE function releases. |
Database Snapshot |
A snapshot of the total and past 7 days of contacts added, that have been assigned to the selected contact categories. The reported contact categories can be defined from within the Configure button in the top right-hand corner. |
Activity: Triggers |
A log of automated triggers that have been recently actioned. This includes a description of the action from the trigger, the contact or property involved and the date/time it had been actioned. |
Upcoming Birthdays |
A snapshot of all upcoming birthdays in the next 31 days, including the contact name and the date. These are populated based on a birthday date added against a contact. |
Realm Sales AI | More information on this widget can be found via this link. |
CRM: Mini Widgets
Widget Name |
Definition |
Total Office Contacts |
A snapshot of total contacts within the office. This includes how many contacts have been added in the last 7 days. |
SMS/TXT Usage |
A snapshot of all SMS/TXT sent within the current month. This includes how many SMS/TXT had been sent in the last 7 days. |
Action List Usage |
A percentage snapshot of action list currently attached to contacts in your database. |
Contacts with Email |
A percentage snapshot of contacts in your database with a defined email address. |
Property: General Widgets
Widget Name |
Definition |
Current Vacancies (me) |
A snapshot of all available rental properties where you are assigned as the Contact/Enquity Staff Member. This widget populates the property address, vacancy date and rental price. |
Current Vacancies (Office) |
A snapshot of all available rental properties in your database, including the property address, vacancy date and rental price. |
Key Tracker (office) |
A snapshot log of all recorded property keys across all properties in your database. This includes the property address, Key ID and the option to view the Key Tracking Notes. |
Keys Checked Out (office) |
A snapshot log of all checked-out keys across all properties in your database. This includes the property address, Key ID and the option to view the Key Tracking Notes. |
Office Whiteboard |
A list of all status updated properties in the last 60 days. This includes the status, property address, date and the option to view the property card. |
Portal Monitoring |
A snapshot log of all properties that have been listed to portals (websites) in the last 4 days. |
Portal Monitoring - Errors |
A snapshot log of all properties that have been listed to portals (websites) that have returned an error in the last 4 days. |
Recent Lease Appraisals (me) |
A list of the last 20 appraisals where you are assigned as the Contact/Enquity Staff Member. This includes the property address, owner's name, date and the last note recorded against an owner/landlord linked to a lease appraisal. |
Recent Lease Appraisals (office) |
A list of the office's last 20 appraisals. This includes the property address, owner's name, date and the last note recorded against an owner/landlord linked to a lease appraisal. |
Recent Offers (office) |
A list of all offers recorded against listing within the office. This includes the client name, property address, status, office price, details & date. |
Upcoming Rental Open Homes (me) |
A list of all upcoming opens/inspections added against your listings in the next 7 days. This includes the property address, date and time. |
Upcoming Rental Open Homes (Office) |
A list of all upcoming opens/inspections added against the office's listings in the next 7 days. This includes the property address, date and time. |
Sales Team Widgets
Widget Name |
Definition |
Graph: Appraisal:List |
A curve graph of all Qty Listings compared with Qty Appraisals for the last 6 months. |
Upcoming Offer Conditions (office) |
A list of all offer conditions added against a property that are due in the next 21 days. This includes the assigned user, offer condition name, the property address, due date and status bar. |
Upcoming Offer Conditions (me) |
A list of all upcoming offer conditions due in the next 21 days, that have been added to a property and are assigned to your user. This includes the offer condition name, the property address, due date and status bar. |
What needs to be done today (office)? |
A list of all To Do list task, Open Inspections, and property tasks that need to be completed across the office for the day. |
What needs to be done today (me)? |
A list of all your To Do list task, Open Inspections, and property tasks that need to be completed for your specific user for the day. |
Pending Settlements (me) |
A list of all properties in conditional or unconditional status that are awaiting settlement, where you are the listing agent attached. This includes the property status, address, settlement date, and status bar. |
Pending Settlements (office) |
A list of all properties in conditional or unconditional status that are awaiting settlement. This includes the property status, address, settlement date, and status bar. |
Current Listings (me) |
A List of all current listings where you are attached as the listing agent. This includes the days on market, property address, and status bar based on the Authority dates added against the listing. |
Current Listings (office) |
A List of all the offices current listings. This includes the days on market, property address, and status bar based on the Authority dates added against the listing. |
Deposits Due (office) |
A snapshot of all listing deposits due in the next 8 days. This includes the agent attached to the listing, deposit amount, property address, deposit date, and a status bar. |
Deposits Due (me) |
A snapshot of all listing deposits due in the next 8 days for listings where you are attached as the listing agent. This includes the deposit amount, property address, deposit date, and a status bar. |
My KPIs |
A snapshot of your user's KPIs that have been set, based on a 30 day period. This includes appraisals, listing, and sales. |
Pipeline (office) |
A snapshot of all upcoming pipelines in the next 2 months, including the contact name, property address and date. These are populated based on a pipeline date added against a contact. |
Recent Appraisals (office) |
A list of the office's last 20 appraisals. This includes the property address, owner's name, date and the last note recorded against an owner linked to the appraisal. |
Recent Appraisals (mine) |
A list of the last 20 appraisals where you are assigned as the Contact/Enquity Staff Member. This includes the property address, owner's name, date and the last note recorded against an owner linked to the appraisal. |
Bar Graph: Commission Forecast (office) |
A bar graph of total office gross commission from upcoming settled sales in the current month and the next 3 months. |
Pipeline (me) |
A snapshot of all your upcoming pipelines in the next 2 months, including the contact name, property address and date. These are populated based on a pipeline date added against a contact. |
Bar Graph: Commission Forecast (me) |
A bar graph of gross commission from upcoming settled sales in the current month and the next 3 months, where you are attached as the listing agent. |
Upcoming Open Homes (me) |
A list of all upcoming opens/inspections added against your listings in the next 7 days. This includes the property address, date and time. |
Upcoming Open Homes (office) |
A list of all upcoming opens/inspections added against the office's listings in the next 7 days. This includes the property address, date and time. |
Listings Expiring (next 70 days) |
A list of all listings that have reached or are within 70 days of the authority end date added against the property. This includes the property address, owner name, and expiry date. |
Leaderboard - Appraisals |
A leaderboard of all appraisals added in the current month. This includes the current standings, agent name and the Qty. |
Leaderboard - GrossComm - Settled |
A leaderboard of total gross commission from only settled properties within the current month. This includes the current standings, agent name and the Qty. |
Leaderboard - GrossComm - Written |
A leaderboard of total gross commission from only conditional & unconditional properties within the current month. This includes the current standings, agent name and the Qty. |
Leaderboard - Listings |
A leaderboard of all listings added in the current month. This includes the current standings, agent name and the Qty. |
Property Management Widgets
Rentroll- Gained/Lost |
A graph showing you any Monthly Gained and Lost Managements |
What Needs to be done today (office) |
A list of items to be viewed/actioned across the office:
What Needs to be done today (me) |
A list of items to be viewed/actioned on your portfolio:
Inspections to be Scheduled |
A graph showing inspections to be scheduled in a 6 week period. Click on Open at the top right to navigate to the main Schedule Inspections page. |
Tenancy Arrears (office) |
A list showing all Properties/tenancies in arrears across the office. Click on the property address to navigate to the management or click on Open at the top right to take you to the Tenancy Arrears page. |
Tenancy Arrears (mine) |
A list showing all Properties/tenancies in arrears across your portfolio. Click on the property address to navigate to the management or click on Open at the top right to take you to the Tenancy Arrears page. |
Vacancy Rate |
A graph showing you the percentage % Vacancy Rate and also if you hover over the graph, you can see the number of vacancies and the number of leased managements. |
Maintenance Jobs (office) |
This list will show all Maintenance across the office at an Open, Work Order Sent and Quotes Requested status. Click on the property address to navigate to the management or click on Open at the top right to take you to the Maintenance page. |
My Maintenance Jobs |
This list will show all Maintenance from your portfolio at an Open, Work Order Sent and Quotes Requested status. Click on the property address to navigate to the management or click on Open at the top right to take you to the Maintenance page. |
Recent Lease Appraisals |
This list will show you any Recent Lease Appraisals and how long ago they were scheduled/conducted. |
Managements Expiring (next 70 days) |
This list shows you all Managements Expiring in the next 70 days and also the date of the expiry and how many days left. |
Creditor Invoices To Be Processed (office) |
This list shows you all Creditor Invoices to be processed for the office. Click on the highlighted number of invoices to process each invoice. |
Creditor Invoices To Be Processed (me) |
This list shows you all Creditor Invoices to be processed for your portfolio. Click on the highlighted number of invoices to process each invoice. |
Tenancies Expiring (next 70 days - me) |
This list shows you all Tenancies in your portfolio that have leases expiring in the next 70 days. You can see the lease expiry date and how many days left before expiry. |
Tenancies Expiring (next 70 days - office) |
This list shows you all Tenancies across your office that have leases expiring in the next 70 days. You can see the lease expiry date and how many days left before expiry. |
Vacating Tenancies (me) |
This list shows all Vacating Tenancies on your portfolio including vacate date and days left before vacating. |
Vacating Tenancies (office) |
This list shows all Vacating Tenancies across the office including vacate date and days left before vacating. |
Current Managements (me) |
This list shows the Current Managements in your portfolio incl the rent paid to date. Click on the property address to take you directly to the specific management. |
Current Managements (office) |
This list shows the Current Managements across your office incl the rent paid to date. Click on the property address to take you directly to the specific management. |
Leaderboard - Lease Appraisals |
This list shows a Leaderboard and all appraisals conducted for the current month for each user. |
Upcoming Open Homes (me) |
This list shows all Upcoming Open Homes for your portfolio. |
Upcoming Open Homes (office) |
This list shows all Upcoming Open Homes across the office.
Latest News - Property Management |
The Latest News - Property Management shows all recent enhancements to the Property Management modules and any updates. |
Current Vacancies (me) |
This list shows you all of your portfolio's Current Vacancies. |
Additional information
If provided PA access to another user in your office, this will allow you to view data assigned to the selected user across the below widgets:
- Offer Conditions (me)
- Pending Settlements (me)
- Deposits Due (me)
- Current Listings (me)
- Appraisals (me)
- Open Homes (me)
More information on PA access can be found in the User Management Settings knowledge article.