In this area of Vault the details of your account are stored, such as the Company and Business Names, Business Address, Office Hours, and other particulars concerning the office configuration.
To set up/access your account details, you will need to have system admin access. More information can be found in the User Management Settings knowledge article.
Step by step
Updating account details
1. Go to Settings > Update Account Details
2. At the top of the screen you will find your company name, business name, and ABN. These fields can be modified, for changes to these fields, you must contact the support team
3. You can, however, update your contact details if required
4. We also provide the option to update your address details as shown below
If using Branches, you will also have the option to update the individual branch addresses.
5. In the next section, office hours can be entered and these can be used to upload to your own website if provided
Office Configuration Breakdown
The next section shows your Office Configuration and by selecting the tick boxes you can control settings that apply across to your database/account - Some of these settings will also control whether you have an open or closed database, for more information please refer to the Open Vs Closed Database knowledge article. Below is a breakdown of these available options.
Open database - If you tick this option, all contact and property data entered into Vault will default to "Everyone" for View/Read & Edit Access.
Contact Seach and Duplicate Checks - If you tick this option when searching for contacts, only contacts that the user has access to view will appear. If unticked, all contacts will appear in the search results (Or via the duplicate check), however, they will not be able to view the contact card.
Contact Access - If you tick this option, all contacts entered into Vault will default the View/Read & Edit Access to the current user.
Note Access - If you tick this option, all notes added into Vault will default the visibility access to the current user.
Duplicate Check Access - If you tick this option when using the duplicate check tool, all merged contacts will default the View/Read & Edit Access to the current user.
Property Search and Duplicate Checks - If you tick this option when searching for properties, only properties that the user has access to view will appear. If unticked, all properties will appear in the search results (Or via the duplicate check), however, they will not be able to view the property card.
Days On Market - If you tick this option, all listing reporting will calculate days on market based on the "Web Live Date". Otherwise, if unticked, this will be calculated on the Listing Authority Date entered on the property card.
Contact Distribution List - If you tick this option, all contact distribution lists will be permanently retained, as opposed to expiring/deleting after 48hrs. Consequently, lists would need to be manually removed using the Distribution List Manager found in the Housekeeping menu.
Property Distribution List - If you tick this option, all property distribution lists will be permanently retained, as opposed to expiring/deleting after 48hrs. Consequently, lists would need to be manually removed using the Distribution List Manager found in the Housekeeping menu.
Offer Conditions - If you tick this option, when offer conditions have been applied at Conditional/Under Offer status, the system will allow you to continue to set the property as Unconditional even when they have yet to be set as "Completed".
CFO User - Here you are able to select a user in your office to be the CFO user. This user will then receive a copy of all sales trusts events such as when a deposit has been receipted.
Holding Area - Here you have two options that apply to the holding area. The first option if ticked, when an enquiry has been added from the holding area, the system will not automatically tick the "Add Requirement" tickbox. The second option if ticked, duplicate contacts flagged in the holding area that the user does not have access to, will automatically grant access to the existing contact (This option is only applied to Closed Databases).
Unsubscribe - If you tick this option, when a contact unsubscribes, the system will only unsubscribe the contact. If unticked, the system will unsubscribe based on the email address (Essentially unsubscribing all duplicate contacts with the same email address).
Default Deposit % - Here you can define the default deposit amount that is automatically calculated upon adding in the sales price when processing a sale.
Unsubscribe Alerts - Here you can select users to receive unsubscribe email alerts. Otherwise if left empty, the system will notify the marketing contacts attached to the unsubscribed contact.
Suppress Sale Price Default - Here you can select the default settings when processing a sale to determine if you would like to show or hide the sale price.
Duplicate Check: Ignore Indefinitely - Here you can select the "ignore" settings applied to the duplicate check tool for contacts & properties. Ignoring a duplicate will place them in the ignore list for a sliding period of 60 days, however, this setting can be applied to ignore them indefinitely.
Buyer Match Limit Default - Here you can default the buyer match to include all contacts regardless of their requirements not being modified more than 12 months ago.