Once you have your letter templates set up, you are then able to generate these letter templates against a contact or property in your database. For more information on how to set up both Cloud and word doc templates, please see the below knowledge article link:
Creating Letter Templates (Cloud & Word Doc)
Step by step
1. Navigate into the desired contact or property card
2. Click on the Letters Tab
3. You then have the below options when generating a letter from a contact or property card:
Contact Card - Once here, you are then able to set the context of the letter (If a property is attached to the contact), which will allow you to merge property details, should the letter template contain property-specific merge fields
Property Card - Once here, you are then able to set who should be addressed within the letter based on the Vendor, Purchaser and Agent attached to the property. This will then determine whose details will populate within the merge fields of the document
If using branches, you also have the ability to select the branch from an added dropdown above.
4. You are then able to select if you wish to use a Cloud Letter or a Word Document template from the drop-down above the Folders
5. Once selected, you are then able to select the folder that contains the letter you would like to generate and then click into the desired letter template
Cloud Letter Templates - Will appear on a pop-up screen, and the merge fields will be populated. You can then edit the cloud letter template if required and either print (File > Print) or Save To Filing Cabinet or Save To Attached Files (Only available when generating within the letters tab of a contact card and no property in context selected)
If you are to print a cloud letter template, you will need to ensure that you untick Header and footers from within your printer settings.
Word Doc Templates - Same as Cloud letter templates, simply click on the letter, however, the letter will automatically generate and allow you to download it to your computer as a Word document or you have the option to save it directly into your filing cabinet.
Additional information
When saving a cloud letter template to the attached files or filing cabinet, you will need to add in the file name > Set the visibility settings > tick the folder(s) you would like the file to reside in > click Save.
Allocating a document to the contracts folder triggers any client that receives that file to be marked as having received the contract/letter of offer for the listing. This is great for vendor reporting and narrowing buyers.
Should you require further document folders, these can be created by going into Settings > Setup Folders - You are then able to select the Filing Cabinet (Contact) or Filing Cabinet (Property) tab > Click on Add New Folder Type in the bottom right-hand corner.
If you did not choose to link an attached property when generating a letter from the contact card, you will have the option to Save To Attached Files (Instead of Save To Filing Cabinet of the property). If saved to attached files this will be saved against the Filing Cabinet for the Contact and not the property.