Once you have a property listed in VaultRE you will possibly want to create a flyer or window card. To do this in the style that you require - you need to give VaultRE a copy of a high resolution InDesign file. We will create that template in your VaultRE account. Please note Franchise Offices - your corporate office may have already provisioned these for you in your account.
Generating a Brochure/Flyer (PrintLab)
Once you have added a property into VaultRE you may want to print a flyer out. Templates will need to be created in your account before you commence. |
Go into the property that you wish to create a flyer for. Click on the menu PRINT LAB at the top of the property to the right of the Financials tab. Once you click on this you will be asked if you wish to send the property data in your VaultRE account across to AdBuilder. Click on the green YES/CONTINUE button. |
You will then get confirmation that the data has been sent and you may now create a Job/PDF. Click on the CREATE PDF/JOB button. If the data has previously been sent, there is a green CREATE PDF/JOB button on the bottom right of the screen. |
Select the Type of marketing you wish to create and by selecting the DIY Templates you will then be able to choose the Format you require. |
Select the Generic Templates. |
You will see the available styles appear below the Format. Click on the style that you want to create. The style will be created with the information that you have sent to Print Lab and you will then be able to click on the green ADBUILDER button to go and further edit the brochure. |
A new window will open and you will then be able to edit details and create your brochure. |
You can select the number of photos you want to appear on your brochure. Please note this will depend on what you have asked for in the template. Some selections may not be available to you. |
To add/change the photos scroll down on the left to the Property Photo 1 and click on the two arrows to the right of the Preview. |
To the right a pop up will appear with your photos showing. Click on the photo that you want to use for the brochure. |
Repeat the process for each photo. I am using a 3 photo brochure so I select 3 photos. The kitchen lounge for the main, master bedroom for the 2nd and the entertaining area for the third. As you select these you will be able to see them populating to the right and building your brochure. You may have a two page brochure so select the 2nd page where you may want to add a floor plan. |
On the top right hand side you will see that you can select the >> to move to the 2nd page. |
Once you are happy with the brochure click the bottom right hand green SAVE AND NEXT. |
You will then be taken back to VaultRE where a copy of the brochure will be saved for you. |
On the right hand side you will be able to OPEN HI RES PDF, remove or edit the brochure created. |
Clicking on the OPEN HI RES PDF will allow you to download the PDF, save it either in the “Attach Files” area or the “Filing Cabinet” against the property. |
If you wish to make a new card just start the process again by clicking on the green CREATE PDF/JOB. If you are a PrintForce client you will then be able to create your print job. |