To access the contract dashboard, you will need to have "Set Sales Details" access. You will also need "Financials" access if you require access to the property sales trust ledger. More information can be found in the User Management Settings knowledge article.
Step by step
1. Navigate into Properties > Contracts Dashboard
2. Once here, we can apply the below search criteria if required. Otherwise, the dashboard will populate all properties that are currently conditional (under offer) or unconditional
3. Within the dashboard, we can see the Life ID, status, address, related dates (Conditional/Under Offer, Unconditional, and Settlement dates), trust ledger balance, conjunction offices, and last updated date. We also can sort individual columns or use the search bar in the top right-hand corner to search for a specific property
4. Within the property record we can open the property, progress or revert the sale, update the sale details, or open the trust ledger
Additional information
If a property has not been marked as unconditional or settled by the specified unconditional or settlement date, the date will be highlighted in red, as shown in the example below: