The feedback report is a fantastic report for property-related enquiry notes added against singular or multiple properties.
Step by step
1. Go into Reports > Feedback Report
2. Select the desired criteria based on the data you would like to populate:
- Feedback Date: - Select the date range of the data you would like to populate
- Type: - Sales or Leasing
- Property: - Here we can select an individual or multiple properties to produce feedback data for (Leave empty for all properties)
- Contact/Enquiry: - Select the desired contact/enquiry staff member on the contact/property you would like to produce feedback data for (Leave empty for all properties)
- Include Note Type: - Select the desired property feedback note type (Leave empty for all note types)
- Exclude Note Type: - Select any property feedback note types that you would like to exclude from reporting
- Added By: - Select the user that had added the feedback note that would would like to report on
- Include holding Area Enquiries - Tick to include enquiry/holding area property enquiries
3. Once you have defined your desired criteria click Seach
4. The report will be separated via the feedback types and can be printed or have the option to group all feedback enquiry contacts into a distribution list by clicking on Print Feedback Report or Add Results to Distribution List in the top right-hand corner
Additional information
When accessing the feedback, we have the option to either edit the enquiry feedback note, view the owner feedback report it belongs to, view the enquiry contacts notes or add a new note against the enquiry contact.